Friday, October 23, 2009


Some learn by living the moment, some by crashing seas. Some walk past through the finish line. Others do the counterflow. We each have our own way and no matter what we choose, straight or crooked, it is for a reason. Some may say "I don't have a choice", but come on, that is just one lame alibi. We all have a choice, we just don't attempt to even try to understand.

Why can just things go the way I always want them to be? I shake hands with many, build friendships with some and eventually, say hello to goodbye. Why do we have to feel some connection to someone who was once a stranger? Haay.. One of the coolest workmates I have has to leave the company to search for a vibrantly greener pasture. Zander, my mentor and friend, whom I shared so many songs with (smiles..), and most importantly, whom I shared smiles and fun moments with, just had his last day at the office today. He is one of my closest and he always had been a big brother and it's just so sad to see him go. Haaay. Anyway, I know for a fact he will have better opportunities outside of S--- Third, on the other hand, my second longest seatmate, is also leaving because he'll be transferred to a new l.o.b. and will most probably be on training next month. Yes, that's two in a row. Why does it have to be my buddies? :( Like Zander, Third and I share a lot of things in common. We both love Heroes, for one. Then, I just lent him my Harper's Island. And of course, we talk about work and of wanting to leave. Sighs are one of the obvious signs as to what kind of day or should I say nightshift we're having. True, work is a lot stressful, but these friends are whom I get inspiration from. I wouldn't have stayed this long if not for them. So what now? New year is coming and I guess I just need to deal with a lot of new things ahead! Lesson learned: Never get attached to people. Except maybe if he's the "half of us" that we all are waiting for.